
Marketplace pushed for unused tax deductions

By: June Klein  On: 2011-05-10 14:00 
Marketplace pushed for unused tax deductions

Presentation: Innovative Policy Proposal Launched on Social Change Platform Catapults: (i) Private Capital for Entrepreneurs, (ii)Jobs in US & UK, (iii)Tax Benefit Exchange Business, (iv) Expert Solution Network Business

Handout: Tax Benefit Exchange: How Small Businesses Can Get Private Capital and Create Jobs. Launched by the-5th-estate.com & integrated by dpe.electronic-boardroom.com


Part 1
TMVi Tax Law Incentive Proposal For Small Businesses
- Problem, Proposal, Example, Summary, Next Steps
- Flow Diagram of Solution

Part 2
Fifth Estate Solutions
- British Airways Winner Press Release
- Oxford Internet Institute Research and TMVi Execution

Part 3
Distributed Public Expertise As Integrator For US & UK Job Solutions
- Why We Need A Collaborative Network Organization For DPE Now
- Distributed Public Expertise Site Description

Part 4
About Technology & Marketing Ventures Inc.
-TMVi Business Concept
- Web Domains Structure
- June Klein
- Ira Klein

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TMVi Tax Law Incentive Proposal for Small Business Phase I

By: June Klein  On: 2011-01-21 02:39 

TMVi Tax Law Incentive Proposal for Small Businesses Phase I

By: June Klein and Ira Klein  On: 2011-01-20 08:06 

January 15, 2011
TMVI Tax Law Incentive Proposal for Small Businesses Phase I

Fifth Estate Distributed Public Expertise (DPE) Model: How to Jumpstart US Economy and Create US Jobs

By: June Klein, CEO and Ira Klein, General Tax Counsel  On: 2011-01-16 14:06 

This paper and 2 others were submitted on 5 November 2010 by Technology & Marketing Ventures, Inc. for the Oxford Internet Institute's Symposium at Oxford University and 'The Information, Communications & Society Journal'.

- Overview of tax solution including Phase II Investment Tax Credit plus flow diagram and DPE recap is at http://dpe.electronic-boardroom.com/dl1
- Phase I solution can be accomplished immediately at no increase to the deficit. This link includes: problem, proposal, example, summay and diagram. http://dpe.electronic-boardroom.com/dl2
- Flow Diagram of Solution at: http://dpe.electronic-boardroom.com/dl7(external link)

Technology & Marketing Ventures, Inc. (TMVi) has developed a creative, integrated bi-partisan solution to jumpstart the American economy and create American jobs. To facilitate executing the plan, TMVi has architected and designed a focused collaborative network organization (CNO). The TMVi Tax Law Incentive Proposal™ allows businesses to sell unused tax benefits to other businesses in order to fund capital investments. The availability of this previously untapped private capital will lead to more jobs, demand and production. See Exhibit 1 TMVi TAX LAW INCENTIVE™ Diagram for a high level flow of how the process works. The challenge TMVi faces is to get our unique thinking into government hands to move the legislation forward and provide American jobs again.

Why We Need CNO for DPE Now?
On Friday November 5, 2010, President Obama stated in his video blogs and across various websites, TV interviews, news conferences and newspaper articles that he is open to any ideas that would move the American economy forward and create private sector American jobs.₁ This is what is known as ‘The Fifth Estate’… a spectrum of communications that drive social accountability. Yet, left unsaid in President Obama’s speech was the vehicle to get him the information he requested.

In an Oxford Internet Institute (OII) paper2 Director, William Dutton said ‘government's usage of distributed public expertise (DPE) through Collaborative Network Organizations (CNOs) is less common than in the private sector.’ William Dutton’s research also concludes that government needs to harness the reach of the internet to tap the wisdom of distributed public expertise and realize the potential for networking with citizens as advisors.

The combination of an omnipresent need, empirical research and lack of channel to submit the TMVi Tax Law Incentive Proposal, led TMVi to develop and launch a CNO focused on DPE at
http://dpe.electronic-boardroom.com(external link) Through this central location, TMVi identifies citizen experts as well as premiere research. The DPE site highlights integrated pragmatic solutions to jumpstart the American economy and create American jobs. Moreover, the DPE administrators will present the results to the relevant government officials for their review and document the evolutionary path to desired outcomes.
See Exhibit 2 for Distributed Public Expertise Site Description

Ira Paul Klein has a JD from BU Law; a LLM in Taxation from NYU Law and is an Adjunct Professor of Tax Law at Fairfield’s Graduate Business School. As General Tax Counsel of Technology & Marketing Ventures, Inc., he analyzes and structures tax law related ventures encompassing the internet, businesses and government.

June Klein has an MBA in Finance & Marketing from NYU Stern, BS in Education and Math from BU, CDP from ICCP, Graduate Technology Certificate from IBM Systems Research Institute and Governance Certificates. As CEO of Technology & Marketing Ventures, Inc., she formulates and executes strategies that change competitive landscapes.

Technology & Marketing Ventures, Inc. has provided thought and execution leadership to institutions and governments since 1992. Their game-changing results are known as Electronic-Boardroom TMVi® Solutions in education, networking, consulting, database, television and newsletter. TMV collaborates with the Oxford Internet Institute on Fifth Estate research and implementations.

- Overview of tax solution including Phase 2 Investment Tax Credit plus flow diagram and DPE recap is at http://dpe.electronic-boardroom.com/dl1(external link)
- Phase I solution can be accomplished immediately at no increase to the deficit. This link includes: problem, proposal, example, summay and diagram. http://dpe.electronic-boardroom.com/dl2(external link)